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    Darthlother's Medals


    Total Medals Earned: 3,014 (From 543 different games.)
    Total Medal Score: 51,350 Points

    It's a wonderful FULP!

    Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/135 points)

    Jerry's Merry Christmas

    Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

    Jetpack Jerome

    Medals Earned: 4/12 (25/295 points)

    Josh Tam Mysteries G2 : E

    Medals Earned: 3/3 (55/55 points)

    Jump in the Dark

    Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/235 points)

    Jumping Long

    Medals Earned: 14/14 (220/220 points)

    Jurassic Eggs

    Medals Earned: 3/24 (15/500 points)


    Medals Earned: 6/7 (125/225 points)

    Keep An Eye

    Medals Earned: 4/12 (45/450 points)

    Kick Out Bieber 2

    Medals Earned: 4/9 (85/185 points)