Total Medals Earned: 3,014 (From
543 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 51,350 Points
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Gain 10000 points in any stage.
Destroy a bomb in Stage 1-2
Read the in-game help text.
Collect the laser power-up in stage 1-4
Destroy all the bad-dudes in stage 1-3
Complete stage 1-1
Play any song in the soundtest menu
Complete the first stage.
Gain 25000 points in any stage.
Don't get hit by a single bullet in stage 1-7.
Destroy a Smiling Bomber using one of their own bombs in the second stage.
Gain 50000 points in any stage.
Protect all the balloons in the first stage.
Complete the second stage.
Protect all the balloons in the second stage.
Gain 100,000 points in any stage.
Complete the final stage.
Protect all the balloons in the final stage
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Two balls in the goal!
Ball in the goal!
Clicked solutions button!
First portal trip!
Ball bounces 100 times!
Level with 4 balls!
Three balls in a goal!
Ball bounces 500 times!
Level with 4 goals!
Ball bounces 1000 times!
Beat all 24 levels!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Escape Room 1
Escape Room 2
Escape Room 3
Escape Room 4
Escape Room 5
Escape Room 6
Escape Room 7
Escape Room 8
Escape Room 9
Escape Room 10
Clear (5) Rooms
Clear (10) Rooms
Clear (15) Rooms
Clear (30) Rooms
Clear (20) Rooms
Clear (25) Rooms
Clear (40) Rooms
Clear (35) Rooms
Clear (50) Rooms
Beaten the first level.
Saved Kate.
Killed by every type of hazard.
Found the first Rune of Shalak.
Found the 8-bit world.
Watch the opening cutscene.
Fully upgrade fire rate.
Fully upgrade speed.
Fully upgrade health.
Fully upgrade defense.
Fully upgrade jetpack.
Get the magnet power.
Fully upgrade power.
Beat the first boss.
Beat the second boss.
Beat the third boss.
Fully upgrade everything.
Play the original S.R.A.G.
Fall in the first hole.
Continue a saved game.
Die 25 times.
Find Robuddy.
Beat the final boss.
Kill 50 enemies.
Resurrect the super robot.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the tutorial levels.
Set a cat on fire.
Completed 5 different levels without using strings.
Evaded all enemies in 10 different levels.
Rescued burning cats in 10 different levels.
Beat the game.
Lose the game.
Meet Reddington.
Keep losing the game.
Don't lose the game.
Kill the bagel king on normal mode.
Kill the bagel king on insane mode.
Killed the bagel king without losing any health on normal mode.
Killed the bagel king without losing any health on insane mode.